If you are like me, since you started your yoga classes, sitting on your yoga mat , facing your teacher, you repeat or even hum sounds without understanding the meaning of the mantras that your teacher sings at the beginning and end of class.

Rest assured that when you reproduce these sounds silently in your head or by singing, it is not necessary to pronounce them distinctly. It is above all an impulse, a vibration or subtle sound. Listen to the sound of the mantra instead of feeling obliged to repeat it clearly. And observe the transformation that takes place in you.

But it is also good to know what is the meaning and/or translation of the mantras that we sing during yoga classes.

But first of all, what is a mantra?

What is a mantra ? A mantra is a sacred phrase that comes from the Sanskrit verb " man " meaning "to think" and " " trailed " who means "protection". A mantra is above all a phrase that we repeat to ourselves and that protects us.

A mantra is a Sanskrit formula consisting of a series of sounds repeated many times following a certain rhythm. It is often associated with a god or a figure of Hinduism or Buddhism. It is used a lot in meditation. Or as a small phrase of intention before starting a yoga practice or simply starting the day. We can use amala , a kind of rosary with 108 beads, to count the number of recitation. It also helps to calm mental activity.

It is often accompanied by the sound of a harmonium, a sort of small Indian bellows piano which gives a particular and melodious hue to this recitation.

Meaning of the most chanted mantras in yoga classes

1. The Guru Mantra

"Guru Brahma

Guru Vishnu

Guru Devo Maheshwarah

Guru Skshat For Brahma

Tasmai Shri Gurave Namaha"


The Guru is Brahma (the one who creates). Our creation is based on the creative force (Brahma)

The Guru is Vishnu (the preserver). Our life depends on the force that maintains us. (Vishnu)

The Guru is Shiva (the one who transforms and transcends). Our obstacles; diseases, difficulty, and death are our teachers, our masters, they rest on the force that destroys and transcends (Shiva).

I salute the Guru who is in all things and beyond all.

The Guru is therefore always in us and around us.

I honor this Guru who allows me to realize my true nature and who is this true deep nature.

2. Invocation “OM Namah Shivaya Gurave”

"O Namah Sivaya Gurave

Satidananda Murtaye

Nischprapanchaya Shantaya

Niralambaya Tefase"


I bow to the guide within me and without

He embodies truth, knowledge and realization

Present in all things, peaceful, free and radiant,

This is the essence of achievement.

3. Closing chant of the course “Om Shanto, shanti, shanti”

"Om asatoma sad gamaya

Size my favorite game

mrityor ma amritam gamaya

Oh shanti, shanti, shanti

Lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu


Translation / interpretation

Om asatoma sad gomaya - lead me from unreality to reality

The first sentence of this mantra invites us to become aware of the fact that reality is created by our minds, that the world is the image of the idea we have of it, that our perceptions are in perpetual movement and that if we go beyond this, we go beyond the fragmented consciousness that we can have of our world and of ourselves, to free ourselves from needs and suffering.

Tamaso ma jyotir gamaya - Lead me to the light

The second phrase, using the terms shadow and light, actually evokes the passage from ignorance to knowledge, in the sense of knowing our true nature. The song of this phrase invites us to lift the shadow that resides in each of us so that we can access our deep nature.

Mrityor ma amritam gamaya - lead me from death to immortality

The third sentence of this mantra invites us to realize that nothing is born or dies, everything is transformation and transition. I am neither born nor die since I am not this body, nor this intellect, nor this mind. I am eternal consciousness.

Om shanti, shanti, shnati - Om peace, peace, peace

Lokah samastah sukhino bbavantu

May creation be filled with peace, joy, love and light.

May all beings present, past and future live free and happy, may my thoughts, words and actions contribute to this.


I honor the place within you that is love, wisdom, wholeness and peace when you are in that place within you and I am in that place within me, we are one.

Thanks to Maud Dreyer for these translations, yoga teacher in Annecy

February 20, 2020 — Patricia Nagelmackers