7th Chakra: Crown Chakra – Shahasrara – Violet color
What are chakras?
The word chakra comes from the Sanskrit "wheel", they are regulators of subtle energy represented by lotus flowers. Hindus count 7 of them. They are distributed from the coccyx to the top of the head. They function like valves and distribute the universal vital energy in the body. If there is a blockage or a disorder, occurring when the energy is excessive or deficient, this affects a part of the network and has repercussions everywhere else. It is therefore necessary to rebalance this point so that the prana circulates correctly. The rise of energy borrowing the chakras is called "ascension of the Kundalini"
The Crown Chakra is the 7th chakra , purple or white in color, located slightly above the head. From the Sanskrit “ Shahasrara ” meaning “thousand petals”. Furthermore, its message is “I am that I am”.
Considered the highest of the seven chakras and a gateway to the energy of the universe. Chakra of consciousness and spirituality , this invisible force connects us to the universe, like the attraction to the earth.
This is a very subtle chakra, and balancing this chakra opens the door to connecting with our higher self.
In Buddhism, we would call it the realization of nirvana .
Difficult to balance, its quest nevertheless brings the balance of the other chakras for more happiness, wisdom and health. It is a long path to achieve harmony.
An underactive chakra , people tend to become rigid in their thoughts, unable to keep their feet on the ground.
Usually, they are detached from sexuality and material goods.
In the other case, the overactive crown chakra tends to create a rejection of spirituality and a race for material goods.
These people with oversized egos rarely take responsibility for their actions.
Which stones to balance the Crown chakra?
Harmonizing the Third Eye chakra is essential for your well-being. Below you will find the stones that will help you: Rainbow Obsidian - Herkimer Diamond - Pearl - Clear Quartz - Selenite - White Noble Opal - White Calcite - Gold - Cacholong - Black Noble Opal - Moonstone - Diamond - Amethyst
How to balance your chakras?
We offer to help you by setting up a material support "altar" - "your sacred space" which will help you concentrate in order to celebrate a rite or carry out your meditation for the chakra on which you decide to act or to use the crystals corresponding to the chakra concerned. The crystals act as oscillators, they resonate with the natural healing frequency on which the psychic energy emits. Lie down and meditate to put yourself in resonance with the chakra. Place the stone on the chakra and meditate again to allow the crystalline vibrations to re-energize it. Do not forget to purify your stone, either by exposing it to the sun or by burning white sage. The sage is intended to purify the room, your stone either by exposing it to the sun or by burning white sage. The sage is intended to purify the room, your stone but also with its smoke to soothe the mind.
For more information on chakras, sage, & lithotherapy, check out our other articles.