1st Chakra: Root Chakra or Muladhara – Red color

Chakras are subtle energy centers in the body, 7 in number, that regulate vitality and balance. Each is associated with aspects of life. The root chakra, the first, is linked to security and grounding. A balanced root chakra brings confidence and stability, while an imbalance can cause fears, insecurities and physical problems. Practices such as yoga, meditation, and lithotherapy with specific stones can help harmonize this chakra. Discover the associated crystals and learn how to use them to balance your chakras.
April 02, 2024

Guide to cleaning and recharging your stones

Learn how to cleanse and recharge your stones to release their energy. Use simple methods like water, earth, salt, sunlight or moonlight, sage, and incense. Meditate with your stones for a calming and revitalizing experience.

7th Chakra: Crown Chakra – Shahasrara – Violet color

The 7th Chakra, the Crown, is related to consciousness and spirituality. Located slightly above the head, it represents the connection to the universe. Balancing it is a long way to harmony. Stones like Amethyst and Clear Quartz can help. Use them in meditation, cleanse them with sun or sage.
April 02, 2024

3rd Chakra: Solar Plexus Chakra – Manipura – Yellow color

Chakras are subtle energy centers in the body that regulate vitality. The Solar Plexus Chakra, the third, symbolized by the color yellow, is located at the diaphragm. It influences your self-esteem, courage and general well-being. To harmonize it, you can use stones such as Golden Rutile Quartz or Yellow Citrine. To learn more, see our other articles on chakras, sage and lithotherapy.
April 02, 2024

2ᵉ Chakra: the Sacred Chakra – Svadhisthana – Orange color

Chakras are subtle energy centers in the body, 7 in number, that regulate vitality and balance. The sacral chakra, the second, is associated with the color orange and is located in the lower abdomen. It influences emotions, sensuality, creativity and sexuality. A balanced sacral chakra promotes self-confidence and fulfillment. An imbalance can lead to fears, dissatisfaction, or excessive behavior. Stones such as Orange Aventurine and Carnelian can help harmonize this chakra.
April 02, 2024

6th Chakra: THIRD EYE chakra – Ajna – Blue color

The 6th Chakra, the Third Eye, is related to intelligence and intuition. It is balanced when it promotes spiritual development and mental clarity. Stones like Lapis Lazuli and Amethyst can help harmonize it. Use them in meditation and purify them with sun or sage.
April 02, 2024

5th Throat Chakra – Vishuddha – Light Blue color

Chakras, energy centers, regulate bodily vitality. The 5th chakra, Throat, blue in color, is located at the base of the throat. Associated with creativity and communication, it controls the thyroid and self-expression. A balanced throat chakra allows for clear and honest communication. When blocked, it leads to low self-esteem and communication problems. In excess, it can cause excessive and sarcastic communication. Stones such as Sodalite or Turquoise help balance this chakra.
April 02, 2024

4th Chakra: Heart Chakra – Anahata – Green color

Chakras are energy centers that regulate vitality in the body. The Heart Chakra, the fourth, symbolized by the color green, is located under the chest. It is linked to self-love and love of others, compassion and awareness. When balanced, it promotes kindness and open-mindedness. An unbalanced heart chakra can lead to emotional and physical problems. To harmonize this chakra, you can use stones such as Rose Quartz or Labradorite.
April 02, 2024
Chakra Coeur - Tayrona Yoga

The Heart Chakra or Anahata: Fourth of the seven chakras

Everyone has chakras, seven in total, invisible, but very present in the fleshly envelope. It is thanks to them that the harmony of body and mind operates, allowing daily well-being. The The 4th energy center is called the heart chakra located on the sternum at the level of the heart muscle. It alone hides many secrets to discover or rediscover.
April 02, 2024
Chakra Plexus solaire - Tayrona Yoga

The 3rd chakra: the solar plexus or Manipura

Chakras are invisible energy centers in the body, seven in number, allowing to keep the harmony of body and mind. The solar plexus chakra is the third located at the level of the lower ribs under the tip of the sternum . However, this can be unbalanced, particularly due to stress. Discover in this article the power of the 3rd chakra.
April 02, 2024
Shakti dans le yoga, la puissance créatrice féminine suprême

Shakti in Yoga, the Supreme Feminine Creative Power

Shakti , feminine creative principle personified in the form of the Hindu goddesses Parvati, Kali, Durga and Saraswati.

The word Shakti means "power", "strength" and "force". Indeed, Shakti is a powerful feminine creative energy present in each of us, even men. This concept is personified by the mother goddess Devi, herself represented by Parvati (wife of Shiva), Durga, Saraswati and Kali. These divinities in Hinduism form the feminine pole (energy), Shiva being the masculine pole (divine consciousness). The union of the 2 extremities leads to enlightenment, according to the principle of tantrism. In Kundalini Yoga, the Hindu goddess symbolizes the serpent located at the root chakra. It is then that the rise of Kundalini signifies the awakening of Shakti . Shakti yoga aims to feel this energy.

Who is Shakti in Hinduism?

In the Hindu religion, Shakti represents the feminine divine power or feminine creative energy. She is also the "Divine Mother". From a more physical point of view, this deity of India translates fertility, motherhood as well as creativity. You also find this energy in every man, but not expressed.

The divine creative power is represented by Devi, a major Hindu goddess . She can take the form of Parvati (goddess of devotion and harmony), Kali (goddess of destruction), Saraswati (goddess of arts and wisdom) or Durga (goddess of courage and strength).

Shakti is worshipped by the Shaktas ( śākta ) in the religion of Shaktism (a branch of Hinduism) which is part of Tantrism . This deity of Hindu mythology is often shown as the wife of Shiva (Parvati) thus expressing the feminine side of the god, himself expressing the masculine side. Tantrism suggests the union of the two poles: Shakti (energy) and Shiva (divine Consciousness). This concept is embodied by Ardhanarishvara . Moreover, the goddess of India has a close link with the Kundalini, that is to say that she is personified as the serpent present in each of us at the level of the root chakra . The rise of the Kundalini requires union with Shiva located at the level of the crown chakra to achieve pure consciousness, zenitude and supreme energy.

The symbol of Shakti in yoga

Awakening Shakti Through Yoga

Awakening Shakti is one of the many goals of yoga practice, that is, awakening the serpent present at the base of the sacrum in order to raise the Kundalini energy along the spine to the top of the head. This is an important point in the art of yoga, taught by Kundalini Yoga , in order to evolve consciousness and achieve enlightenment. Don't panic if you don't feel your Shakti (inner energy) immediately! It requires practice! However, you can also find your Shakti with Pranayama (breathing exercises), chanting mantras or meditation.

Discover Shakti yoga: Adi Vajra Shakti yoga

You can awaken your kundalini Shakti and worship your femininity during an Adi Vajra Shakti yoga session. This type of practice combines dynamic and static asanas, breathing (Pranayama), meditation times, guided relaxation and spontaneous movements. It is also a way to facilitate the hormonal changes of the menstrual cycle and menopause.

Adi Shakti Mantra, the chant to invoke creative energy

Ek Ong Kar Sat Nam Siri Wahe Guru ” is a Kundalini Yoga mantra, honoring Shakti and translating to “The creator and his creation are one. This is our true identity. The ecstasy of this wisdom is great, beyond words.” It was one of the first mantras transmitted by Yogi Bajhan in the United States. Its 8 syllables group the 7 chakras as well as the aura. Quietly installed on your yoga mat or meditation cushion , recite the Shakti mantra to connect to the feminine creative power and awaken the Kundalini energy.

Discover what Kundalini energy is thanks to the book Merveilleuse kundalini by Régine Degremont.

November 11, 2019
Chakras Tayrona Yoga

What are chakras?

You have probably already heard someone talk about chakras? But, do you really know what they are? Some will say that they do not exist while others will swear by them. These are found inside each person, circulating energy for the proper functioning of the body. In this article, you will discover what is the chakra , but also why it is very important and finally how yoga can be very useful in this area.

How do chakras work ?

You may not know this, but there are 7 chakras: root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown. These are the basis of traditional Indian or Ayurvedic medicine . They form your invisible energy centers inside your fleshy envelope.

Thus, they absorb the prana energy or life force, entering your body through your breathing. The chakras can be materialized as a column of light starting at the base of your spine and ending at the top of your head. The energy centers located lower down form your instinctual side while those located higher up form the mental side. Each chakra is connected to organs, sounds, an element, a color as well as functions of consciousness.

Kundalini energy, also called spiritual force, flows through each energy center, from the bottom to the top, where it regroups by rotating clockwise. This is what happens when the chakras are harmonized.

Why harmonize your chakras ?

Spiritual force must be able to pass through your chakras without surplus or deficiency and in a balanced manner. However, emotions, stress, poor lifestyle, unresolved psychological wounds or discomfort can disrupt your energy centers. Thus, the chakras close which prevents the energy from circulating well, leading to illnesses. Either they slow down their speed of movement or shrink, reflecting inactivity of the corresponding organ, or they enlarge or amplify their pace, leading to emotional and physical complications.

In order to overcome these inconveniences, it is necessary to open the chakras . However, rebalancing your energy centers should not exempt you from consulting a health professional. To harmonize your chakras yourself, it can be useful to practice yoga regularly.

How to balance your chakras with kundalini yoga exercises ?

Yoga postures, also called asanas, help balance and open the chakras because they circulate energy throughout the body. Kundalini yoga, which appeared in the West in 1969, suggests postures, chanting, meditations and breathing for each energy center. It is a technique that combines yoga and spiritual practice. Thus, it allows the kundalini energy to circulate through the body from the root chakra (base of the spine) to the crown chakra (top of the head) through the five other energy centers. When the life force circulates to the seventh chakra, the path is complete and enlightenment is possible.

April 24, 2017