French Yoga Community
What is Chin Mudra?
Gyan mudra, chin mudra is wisdom at your fingertips, here is a simplified explanation of the benefits of this mudra. The practice of this mudra aims to help the yogi in his awakening to the knowledge of the Self and the Universe .
This gesture, which is performed using the thumb and index finger, invites the individual to connect with the Universe. Discover the meaning of chin mudra, its benefits, its nuances and how to perform it.
The yoga strap: how to use it and for which posture?
What is a yoga “brick” and how to use it?
There Yoga brick, or yoga block, is a yoga accessory that is used to facilitate the practice. It serves as support and assistance in the asanas , whether gentle or dynamic yoga. No doubt: the yoga block is a must-have of any self-respecting yogi's outfit!
What are the different postures for meditation?
Top 5 Yoga Poses for Beginners
Sun Salutation C - Surya Namaskar C - Yogalie X Tayrona Yoga
Surya means the Sun in Sanskrit and Namaskar means salutation. The sun is the source of all energy. The Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskar is therefore a thank you to the sun as the source of life. Each posture allows the body to work as a whole by acting on the muscular, articular, respiratory and digestive levels. Discover our course on the sun salutation.
Sun Salutation B - Surya Namaskar B - Yogalie X Tayrona Yoga
Sun Salutation B is a cycle of postures that are repeated several times in order to warm up the entire body. We will also see a new posture, that of the chair or Utkatasana, a powerful posture that strengthens the quadriceps and the muscles of the lower back. It is found in the practice of Ashtanga yoga and Vinyiasa. Discover the Tayrona Yoga class.
Anjaneyasana & Astha Chandrasana by Magalie de Yogalie
Yoga postures to boost my immunity
Paranayama: Kapalabhati breathing by Yogalie X Tayrona Yoga
Since the body is used in yoga as a tool, its cleansing is therefore an essential preparation. The goal of Kriyas is to cleanse the inner pathways to purify the body, mind and soul. Kapalabhati or the shining skull is a technique that aims to cleanse the respiratory tract, from the nostrils to the lungs. Discover in this given course offered by Tayrona Yoga how to practice Kapalabhati.