Sun Salutation C – Surya Namaskar C - by Yogalie X Tayrona Yoga

Surya means the Sun, in Sanskrit and Namaskar, salutation. The sun is the source of all energy. The Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskar, is therefore a thank you to the sun, as the source of life.

Each posture allows the body to work as a whole by acting on the muscular, articular, respiratory and digestive levels.

Come and stand at the front of your yoga mat , we are going to practice this sequence of postures together:

Inhale exhale in Mountain pose or Tadasana

Inhale into Hastha Uttanasana posture

Exhale in Uttanasana or head to knees pose

Inhale into Anjaneyasana (straight leg) posture

Exhale Downward Facing Dog or Adho Mukha Svanasana

Come into plank or Phalakasana, chaturanga hold your breath

Exhale Chaturanga Dandasana on 8 anchor points in the ground

Inhale Bhujangasana or cobra pose

Exhale Downward Facing Dog or Adho Mukha Svanasana,

Inhale into Anjaneyasana (left leg) posture

Exhale in Uttanasana or head to knees pose

Inhale into Hastha Uttanasana posture

Exhale and return to Tadasana posture

Especially if you enjoy this practice, continue as many times as you want and by controlling your movements, you will notice that you will become more and more aware of your body.

Remember to BREATHE well in each posture.

See you soon !


June 19, 2020 — Margaux pierre-bloch