French Yoga Community
The Door Frame Technique: Relieve Back Pain with Simple Stretches
What is Tantric Yoga?
How to Avoid Slipping in Yoga: Tips and Advice
What are the different postures for meditation?
Top 5 Yoga Poses for Beginners
Sun Salutation C - Surya Namaskar C - Yogalie X Tayrona Yoga
Surya means the Sun in Sanskrit and Namaskar means salutation. The sun is the source of all energy. The Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskar is therefore a thank you to the sun as the source of life. Each posture allows the body to work as a whole by acting on the muscular, articular, respiratory and digestive levels. Discover our course on the sun salutation.
Sun Salutation B - Surya Namaskar B - Yogalie X Tayrona Yoga
Sun Salutation B is a cycle of postures that are repeated several times in order to warm up the entire body. We will also see a new posture, that of the chair or Utkatasana, a powerful posture that strengthens the quadriceps and the muscles of the lower back. It is found in the practice of Ashtanga yoga and Vinyiasa. Discover the Tayrona Yoga class.