Anjaneyasana & Astha Chandrasana by Magalie de Yogalie
Discover Anjaneyasana (low lunge) and Ashta Chandrasana (high lunge)!
Let’s practice together these two postures which are very present in Hatha Yoga and Vinyasa Yoga.
Also, you will find Anjaneyasana in the Sun Salutation C and the Moon Salutation which we will see in future videos. The low lunge or Anjaneyasana is a very good stretch for the Psoas muscle.
Come to the front of your yoga mat, from downward dog pose, bring your right leg to the front of the mat and place your right foot next to your right hand. Then place your left knee on the mat, your right knee is directly under your right ankle. Here, come and put your pelvis in a neutral position so as not to hollow your lower back. This means that you may need to perform a slight retroversion of the pelvis and bring your navel towards your spine by engaging your abs. You are in a low lunge or Anjaneyasana, you will see in the video several variations are possible at the level of the arms.
Come back to downward dog, take a breath and bring your right leg forward again, placing your right foot next to your right hand. This time keep your left knee raised and your left heel is also raised relative to your mat, even if it seeks to anchor your back leg to pull towards the ground. Feel the power on your back leg. Keep here between your two feet the distance of your hips and they face the front of the mat to maintain good alignment. Just like in Anjaneyasana, engage your center to protect your lower back. Raise your arms straight towards the sky, also looking upwards.
I'll see you very soon for the next video!