Use a yoga brick to maintain good balance and alignment.

The yoga brick , also called a yoga block , is an accessory used in particular in Iyengar yoga. Yes, but what is it used for exactly? To support you in performing your asanas by extending your arms or legs, to support you in relaxation postures or to achieve perfect alignment or balance. A block of foam, cork or bamboo that will save you from many injuries. It can be used by beginners lacking flexibility as well as by experienced yogis. Discover the postures with a yoga brick .

A yoga block to compensate for lack of balance or flexibility

When you start practicing yoga, you lack balance or flexibility. This is where the yoga block comes in! This yoga accessory allows you to lean safely and keep your balance. Use it at all 3 heights for perfectly performed yoga block asanas . For example, for the stork pose (Uttanasana) if you cannot reach the ground, the downward dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana), the side angle (Utthita Parsvakonasana), the triangle (Trikonasana), the half wheel (Ardha Chandrasana), the half monkey god pose (Ardha Hanumanasana).

A yoga brick for more comfort in seated postures

When you do a sitting posture or meditation, you may feel uncomfortable. You have back or leg pain and you can't relax. By sitting on your yoga block for meditation , you will have a straight back and you will feel more comfortable. It is still more comfortable on a yoga block than on the floor!

A yoga accessory to help you relax

The eco-friendly yoga block is not only used as a seat or an extension of the arms, it can provide you with real comfort by placing it under your back during lying asanas. I would like to mention in particular the bridge posture (Setu Bandhasana) by sliding your eco-friendly yoga block under your pelvis in order to put less strain on your abs. But, there is also the fish posture (Matsyasana) by placing the yoga accessory between the two shoulder blades. Note that you can also wedge your eco-friendly yoga block under your knees during the Savasana relaxation.

The yoga brick to maintain perfect alignment

The art of alignment in yoga is very important. To keep this alignment whatever your posture, do not hesitate to help yourself with an eco-friendly yoga brick by placing it between your legs or arms. Here are some yoga exercises with bricks . For the wheel posture (Chakrasana), place your yoga accessory between your thighs. For the camel asana (Ustrasana), slide your eco-friendly yoga block between your heels. Finally, for postures on the forearms, place your brick between your palms.

Discover all our eco-responsible yoga bricks made of cork or foam in the Tayronalife store.

April 19, 2019 — Patricia Nagelmackers