Sciatica is an inflammation of the sciatic nerve, which often results from a herniated disc or a lumbar compression. This pathology can be very painful, even paralyzing in some cases.

Sciatica can be caused by sitting for long periods of time, which can pinch the nerve over time. Proper yoga exercises and postures can help relieve these pains and even make them disappear if you start early enough.

Here are the yoga postures that we recommend and if you have back pain, we recommend a yoga mat with good cushioning like the Mad Yoga 6mm or the EQ love Chakra TPE mat .

1. Gentle twist

    Sitting on the floor or on a support (brick, blanket, bolster), legs crossed, perform a light twist of the upper body while breathing. Inhale to stretch your spine and exhale, using the hand that presses on the opposite knee, to go further in the twist. Stay three to five breaths in the posture.

    2. Baddha-konāsana, butterfly pose

      Sitting on the floor, place the soles of your feet together, then drop your knees on either side. You can perform a slight beat to help open your hips. This posture stretches the groin deeply and releases tension accumulated in the pelvis. Your sciatic nerve will thank you!

      3. Hindolasana, the cradle pose

        In this pose, the knee is bent to 90 degrees. You grab your shin by placing the knee in the crease of your elbow and you "rock" your leg as if it were a baby. This will give a delicious massage to your femur and stretch your sciatic nerve. Stay in this position, in motion or static, for a few minutes before switching sides.

        4. Ardha Matsyendrasana, the twist

          This twist provides many benefits for the spine and the entire body.

          On the floor, with your legs stretched out in front of you, pass your right foot over your left knee and place it flat. Catch your bent right knee with your left elbow while inhaling and exhaling to look to the right side. Perform this movement several times, accentuating the twist with each of your exhalations.

          5. Anjaneyasana, low lunge

            This pose is excellent for stretching the psoas thoroughly. To take the pose, start from the table (on all fours), then bring one foot between your hands. The other leg is extended behind you. Do not hesitate to place a small cushion or a folded blanket to protect the knee on the ground.

            Let your pelvis fall towards the floor. Your arms can be straight, palms on the floor, or you can place your forearms to intensify the posture. Remember to breathe while relaxing all of your muscles.

            6. Kapōtasana, the Pigeon pose

              In this pose, which you can take from the lunge, the shin is placed on the ground while the other leg remains extended behind. Kapotasana provides a stretch of the psoas of the stretched leg and also stretches the glutes of the bent leg. Place both hands on the ground first, keeping your arms straight. If your flexibility allows, then relax the upper body and place the forehead on the ground.

              These different postures can be practiced during the same session, and you will quickly enjoy the benefits!

              January 10, 2019 — Patricia Nagelmackers