Perhaps you have already felt, after a yoga session, a perfect harmony, both between your body and your mind, as well as in relation to your situation in the universe.

This overall balance is one of the objectives (if we can speak of objectives) of the practice of yoga.

The combined action of breathing, deep relaxation work and targeted muscular engagement allows the entire body to relax and activate, to oxygenate it and also to act on the mind, which gives us a feeling of optimal well-being.

You will notice that some postures generate unexpected emotions in you, because they act not only on the body but also in the emotional field. The following postures help to strengthen the feeling of balance. So get your yoga mats !

1. Tadasana, the Mountain

    Standing on your mat or on the floor, join your feet and engage your legs. Perform a slight retroversion of the pelvis to free the lower back and make the spine more flexible. The arms and fingers are actively directed towards the floor and the heart is open, towards the sky. Bring the chin to the chest to lengthen the neck.

    This “grounding” pose, which is often used as a resting or transitional pose, is actually very powerful, as it allows one to center and connect with the energy of the earth when practiced consciously. Feel free to practice this pose on the ground outdoors, to further strengthen your sacred connection to the Earth.

    2. Trikonasana, the Triangle

      For the triangle pose, stand lengthwise on your yoga mat with your feet parallel. Then, turn your right foot about 90 degrees, so that your toes are facing the narrow edge of the mat. Inhale to raise your arms, parallel to the floor and your shoulders aligned. As you exhale, imagine that you are being pulled by your right hand, and stretch your upper body to the right. As you exhale, place your right hand on your calf or on the floor. Your arms are still aligned with each other and your hips remain facing the long edge of the mat. You can use a brick, which you place under your right hand to save space and make the position more comfortable. Repeat the pose on the other side.

      3. Vrksāsana, the Tree

        Standing on your mat or (even better) on the earth, spread your right foot on the ground and activate your right leg by pressing the foot lightly into the ground. Place your body weight on your right leg and lift your left foot off the ground. Place your left foot on your ankle, calf, or thigh. Bring your palms together in prayer or raise your arms to the sky. Hold this pose for several breaths, staring at a point on the horizon.

        4. Savasana, the corpse pose

          Lie on the floor with your arms and legs spread out and relax. You can place a yoga bolster under your knees to release the lower back.

          This anchoring and relaxation posture par excellence should be performed at the end of each practice. It allows you to assimilate the benefits of the session and gather your energies.

          December 20, 2018 — Patricia Nagelmackers