Florence Piers' Sacred Space
Kinesiologist and certified yoga teacher, I was introduced to the practice and philosophy of yoga at the age of 16 before training in India, in Rishikesh. These are the different energetic approaches of yoga and kinesiology, which I integrate into my sessions. Fascinated by the healing power of yoga, I like to pass on my knowledge, push people beyond their usual limits, to discover that they are much more than what they think they are.

• What is a “sacred space” for you?
A space that is available 24/7 for my practice. A space that I can go to at any time to find balance.
• How do you set up your “sacred space” or the place where you practice yoga ?
I move what I need to do to create as much space as possible and to be free in my movements. I open the windows to practice in fresh air. My mat stays there permanently, available at any time.

• What objects are essential for you in this space?
A rug, a candle, a bolster and some plants.
• What is your daily “well-being” or yoga routine?
Take a shower when you wake up, imagining that the water purifies everything that needs to be purified on an emotional level, and breathe consciously for a few seconds, inhaling joy. This will open the heart to the day.