The yoga session for opening the pelvis
Yoga is a practice that not only works on the physical body, but can also release certain mental and emotional tensions.
The pelvis is a pivotal area of the body. Physically first, the pelvis supports the weight of the upper body and protects the genitals. It is also the pelvis that allows walking, and it is in this part of the body that the baby develops in women. Symbolically, the pelvis represents the seat of many emotions. It is linked to our past lives, to our family heritage, and according to Hindu tradition it is where the second Chakra is located, the seat of the Self.
The following yoga postures aim to open the pelvis in order to free it from its blockages, both physical and emotional. It is best to perform these postures on a yoga mat with good cushioning such as the Eq Love 7 Chakras mat or on the "My Soul Mat" by Tayrona Yoga
1. Utkata Konasana, the Goddess
Standing lengthwise on your mat, spread your feet wide apart, turning your toes toward the corners of the mat. Take a deep breath, then exhale to bend your knees widely. Make sure that they are well positioned above your heels, which will create a stretch in your hips. With each inhalation, stretch your spine by tilting your pubis slightly forward, as if you wanted to plant your tailbone in the ground. On the exhalation, open your knees further by bending them to accentuate the posture.
2. Baddha Konasana, the Butterfly
In a seated position, place the soles of your feet together and drop your knees to either side. Inhale to lengthen your spine and exhale, bringing your attention to your hips, relaxing them and consciously allowing your pelvis to open further.
Feel free to place a brick or blanket under your buttocks if you feel the stretch is too intense or painful in your lower back.
3. Dhanurasana, the Bow
Lying on your stomach, take a few breaths with your forehead on the floor, to mentally prepare yourself for the pose. Then, bend your knees and grab your ankles with your hands, making sure to keep your knees hip-width apart. With an inhale, simultaneously lift your knees and shoulders off the floor. Stay here for four to six breaths.
To facilitate this posture and reduce the intensity in the lower back, use a strap, which you will place at the level of your ankles.
4. Chakrasana, the Wheel
Lie on the floor, on your back. Place your heels close to your buttocks, so that you can reach them with your fingertips. Then, place your hands on either side of your ears, with your fingertips facing your shoulders. Take a deep breath, pushing up on your hands and feet simultaneously. Relax your neck in the posture and stay for 5 to 10 breaths.
If this pose is too intense for your spine, opt for the half-bridge position. In this variation, the arms remain on the ground, it is the pelvis that rises towards the sky.
You can include these postures in your daily practice or focus on them when you feel you need emotional cleansing. Enjoy!