Viniyoga or yoga of action that adjusts to the yogi
The founder of Viniyoga , Sri Krishnamacharya said: "It is not the person who has to adapt to Yoga, but Yoga which has to be adjusted to each person."
The term Viniyoga is divided into two parts:
Origin of Viniyoga through Sri Krishnamacharya
The origin of Viniyoga draws from the 3rd chapter and 6th aphorism of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. However, Sri Krishnamacharya, then a yoga teacher, modernized this text for several reasons. First of all, because he realized that traditional (Oriental) yoga did not fit Westerners and the current era. But also, because this discipline could be modeled to each individual.
It was then that the term Viniyoga appeared between the 70s and 80s thanks to Sri Krishnamacharya who himself trained BKS Iyengar (founder of Iyengar Yoga). But, he also taught his son TKV Desikachar in the city of Madras (India). The latter transmitted the yoga of action to different masters.
It was in the 1980s that the teaching of Desikachar yoga was spread in the West by Desikachar's students who themselves trained other yogis.
A yoga of action that adapts to each yoga practitioner
"The spirit of Viniyoga is to start from where you are. Since everyone is different and changes from time to time, there can be no common starting point and ready-made answers will not help. It is necessary to examine the current situation and question the usually accepted status." said TKV Desikachar.
The practice of Viniyoga must be adapted to each person: to their potential and their needs. When you register for an action yoga class , the teacher can talk to you to get to know you better: your age, your habits, your job, your place of residence, your physical condition, your psycho-emotional state, etc. Thus, you will be able to have a tailor-made session.
However, during each Viniyoga session you will find:
- Various asanas depending on the yogi or group,
- Breathing exercises (Pranayama): this art emphasizes the link between breath and movement in order to balance the energy circulation in your body,
- Mudras which are symbolic gestures.
There are group Viniyoga classes that are tailored to a specific group such as children, teenagers, seniors, etc. However, you should know that you can sign up for individual Viniyoga sessions tailored to your desires, needs and abilities. Everyone can take up action yoga , as the classes are tailored to each person.
The benefits of Viniyoga
The benefits of Viniyoga are the same as for yoga in general. You find physical, mental and spiritual virtues:
- Reduction of stress and anxiety,
- Decrease in sleep disturbances,
- Improved heart rate and breathing through Pranayama exercises,
- Improving flexibility,
- Personal development,
- Helps to let go in the present moment.
Find out what Iyengar Yoga is in the Tayronalife blog.