La méditation en pleine conscience proposée par Bénédicte Peroz

Mindfulness meditation proposed by Bénédicte Peroz

Bénédicte PEROZ, a recognized yoga teacher for over 10 years, now offers online mindfulness stress management programs as well as guided meditations every week. Discover Bénédicte and her wise advice on mindfulness meditation.
April 02, 2024
6 livres de yoga Tayrona

6 Yoga Books to Have in Your Library

In this article, you will find the top yoga books to put in your yoga library . Whether you are a beginner or an experienced yoga practitioner, there is something for every taste and budget.
April 02, 2024
Tags: Découverte

White sage for fumigation and purification

Discover the use of white sage for purification and smudging. Learn how this age-old tradition can purify negative energies, improve mood, and promote healing. Follow our tips for a successful smoke ceremony.

Guide to cleaning and recharging your stones

Learn how to cleanse and recharge your stones to release their energy. Use simple methods like water, earth, salt, sunlight or moonlight, sage, and incense. Meditate with your stones for a calming and revitalizing experience.

7th Chakra: Crown Chakra – Shahasrara – Violet color

The 7th Chakra, the Crown, is related to consciousness and spirituality. Located slightly above the head, it represents the connection to the universe. Balancing it is a long way to harmony. Stones like Amethyst and Clear Quartz can help. Use them in meditation, cleanse them with sun or sage.
April 02, 2024

3rd Chakra: Solar Plexus Chakra – Manipura – Yellow color

Chakras are subtle energy centers in the body that regulate vitality. The Solar Plexus Chakra, the third, symbolized by the color yellow, is located at the diaphragm. It influences your self-esteem, courage and general well-being. To harmonize it, you can use stones such as Golden Rutile Quartz or Yellow Citrine. To learn more, see our other articles on chakras, sage and lithotherapy.
April 02, 2024

2ᵉ Chakra: the Sacred Chakra – Svadhisthana – Orange color

Chakras are subtle energy centers in the body, 7 in number, that regulate vitality and balance. The sacral chakra, the second, is associated with the color orange and is located in the lower abdomen. It influences emotions, sensuality, creativity and sexuality. A balanced sacral chakra promotes self-confidence and fulfillment. An imbalance can lead to fears, dissatisfaction, or excessive behavior. Stones such as Orange Aventurine and Carnelian can help harmonize this chakra.
April 02, 2024

6 Misconceptions About Yoga

Although yoga is a practice that is over 4000 years old, it only became popular in the West in the 90s. Some people are still quite skeptical about this new activity that does not necessarily follow the codes of already known physical practices. We have selected 6 preconceived ideas about yoga, and hope to get them out of your head once and for all!

April 02, 2024

5 Surprising Health Benefits of Yoga

Yoga is good for you and is effective against stress and depression, but that's not all.

We've found 5 little-known health benefits of yoga...and they might surprise you!

April 02, 2024

6th Chakra: THIRD EYE chakra – Ajna – Blue color

The 6th Chakra, the Third Eye, is related to intelligence and intuition. It is balanced when it promotes spiritual development and mental clarity. Stones like Lapis Lazuli and Amethyst can help harmonize it. Use them in meditation and purify them with sun or sage.
April 02, 2024

5th Throat Chakra – Vishuddha – Light Blue color

Chakras, energy centers, regulate bodily vitality. The 5th chakra, Throat, blue in color, is located at the base of the throat. Associated with creativity and communication, it controls the thyroid and self-expression. A balanced throat chakra allows for clear and honest communication. When blocked, it leads to low self-esteem and communication problems. In excess, it can cause excessive and sarcastic communication. Stones such as Sodalite or Turquoise help balance this chakra.
April 02, 2024

4th Chakra: Heart Chakra – Anahata – Green color

Chakras are energy centers that regulate vitality in the body. The Heart Chakra, the fourth, symbolized by the color green, is located under the chest. It is linked to self-love and love of others, compassion and awareness. When balanced, it promotes kindness and open-mindedness. An unbalanced heart chakra can lead to emotional and physical problems. To harmonize this chakra, you can use stones such as Rose Quartz or Labradorite.
April 02, 2024